Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Jacob prophesies the blessings and curses of his children

Genesis 49's theme is Jacob addressing his sons. He gives a prophecy over each one in this chapter. Jacob summoned his sons to gather and listen (Genesis 49:1-2). Then he laid down on his bed and died after addressing each of them (Genesis 49:33). Judah (Genesis 49:8-12) and Joseph (Genesis 49:22-26) received the most extended blessings of the 12 sons.

  1. Reuben- He was the oldest and an honored leader at one time. But he dishonored himself by sleeping with his father's wife and disgracing Jacob's bed. Jacob said Reuben no longer deserved an honorable place because he was as uncontrollable as a flood (Genesis 49:3-4).
  2. Simeon and Levi- Jacob called them gruesome swords. He said he never wanted to participate in their plans or deeds because they slaughtered people in their anger and crippled cattle for no reason. Jacob placed a curse on these two brothers because of their fierce anger. That curse was that their descendants would be scattered among Israel's tribes (Genesis 49:5-7).
  3. Judah- Jacob had much better words for Judah. He would be praised by his brothers. They would bow down to him as he defeated his enemies. Jacob compared Judah to a lion getting ready to eat its victim. No one would bother Judah because he was so terribly fierce. Judah would have power and rule as the nations obeyed him and came to bring gifts. Judah would tie his donkey to a choice grapevine and wash his clothes in wine from those grapes. He would have eyes darker than wine and teeth whiter than milk (Genesis 49:8-12).
  4. Zebulun- Zebulun would settle along the seashore and provide safe harbors as far north as Sidon (Genesis 49:13).
  5. Issachar- Jacob compared him to a strong donkey resting in the meadows. He found them so pleasant that he worked too hard and became a slave (Genesis 49:14-15).
  6. Dan- Jacob had one good thing to say about him. He said Dan's tribe would be one that would bring justice to Israel. But Jacob also said that Dan was like a snake that bit a horse's heel that would make its rider fall. Then Jacob told the Lord he was waiting on Him to save them (Genesis 49:16-18).
  7. Gad- Gad would be attacked. He would return the favor after that by attacking his attackers (Genesis 49:19).
  8. Asher- Asher would eat food fancy enough for a king (Genesis 49:20).
  9. Naphtali- Jacob compared Naphtali to a wild deer with lovely fawns (Genesis 49:21).
  10. Joseph- Jacob compared Joseph to a fruitful vine growing near a stream and climbing a wall. His enemies refused to show mercy by attacking him with arrows. But Joseph stood his ground and swiftly shot back with the help of the all-powerful God, Israel's Shepherd and Mighty Rock. God would bless Joseph with rain, streams from the earth, and many descendants. Jacob said the blessings he gave were better than the promise of ancient mountains or eternal hills. He prayed these blessings for Joseph because Joseph was the leader of his brothers (Genesis 49:22-26).
  11. Benjamin- Jacob compared Benjamin to a fierce wolf that destroyed his enemies in the morning and evening (Genesis 49:27).

Deuteronomy 21:15-17 says the birthright belonged to the firstborn son. The firstborn's birthright was not messed with even if the father did not love the firstborn's mother. So what happened to Reuben's birthright as the firstborn son since he was Jacob's oldest son? He lost his rights as the firstborn because he slept with another of Jacob's wives. After that, the firstborn's honor was given to Joseph even though Judah's tribe became the most powerful and produced the greatest Leader (1 Chronicles 5:1-2). Revelation 5:5 calls Jesus Christ the Lion from the Tribe of Judah.

It is clear that Joseph forever maintained the "favorite son" status given by his father. God made Joseph a success even in the land where he suffered (Genesis 41:52). And Joseph got the most extended blessing even though it was Judah's tribe that would produce the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The LORD blessed Joseph's descendants with precious water from deep wells and dew from the sky. Joseph's fruit ripened in the sunshine month by month. His descendants had a rich harvest from the ancient hill's slopes. The LORD gave them the best the land could produce so that it became like a princely crown on Joseph's head (Deuteronomy 33:13-17).

We will close this post by looking at what else Scripture has to say about Judah. Psalm 60:7 says that Judah is the symbol of royal power. The scepter, which belongs to the Lawgiver, would not depart from Judah. Jesus' genealogy begins with Abraham, Isaac, Judah, and his brothers. Then Judah's sons were singled out from there (Matthew 1:1-2). We also know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and Bethlehem is in the land of Judah (Matthew 2:5-6). Every knee will eventually bow down to the name of Jesus. Everyone who has ever lived will declare that He is Lord to His Father's glory (Philippians 2:10-11). Multitudes are refusing to do that in this life. They are headed down the broad "Highway to Hell" as we speak (Matthew 7:13). Don't follow the crowd. Make a commitment to Jesus Christ today if you haven't already.

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