Friday, December 31, 2021

My 2021 finale

The Steve Deace Show's final episode of the year annually is an "awards presentation" of the best and worst of the year. Last year, I wrote down all of their categories without listening to their answers first. Then I answered them myself on a Facebook post before going back to see how many of the panel's responses matched my own. This year I decided to do the same thing I did last year but in a blog post. Again, I reiterate: the categories are theirs, the answers are mine. With that in mind, here we go:

  • Biggest winner: Donald Trump. Despite having the entire media, pop culture, and most of our country's institutions against him, Donald Trump overcame the odds once again and won the 2020 election.
  • Biggest loser: Donald Trump. Despite winning the 2020 election, a combination of stacking the deck in Democrat-controlled states, an unprecedented level of voter fraud, and having a terrible team and defense to go to bat for him, Donald Trump (officially) lost the 2020 election, making Captain Dementia the 46th President of the United States.
  • Best politician: Dr. Fauci- The guy changes his mind every few days. He has literally changed his mind on every single COVID-related issue multiple times since before "15 days to flatten the curve" in March of 2020. Yet he still maintains his job and is the highest-paid government employee in the United States. So technically, even though he is not a politician and has never run for an elected position, he embodies all of the stereotypes about politicians, making him the best politician for 2021.
  • Worst politician: This turned out not to be one of their categories. I just assumed it would be given the previous one. But I like my answer so much I decided to keep it: Liz Cheney. The Republican Representative from West Virginia supported the second impeachment of Donald Trump over the January 6 "mostly peaceful protest" (see CNN's 2020 definition of the phrase) after he was already out of office. I am still trying to figure out how you impeach a President who is no longer in office, but in the words of Sophia Petrillo, I digress. So Liz Cheney comes out against the most popular President among Republicans in the last 40 years, angering her own voters to the point that she was receiving death threats, and then gets appointed to a Commission by Nancy Pelosi to investigate the attack on the Capitol. She has no chance among her own voters in the future.
  • Most defining political moment: Parents rising up around the country to take back their voices when it comes to their children's education, protest mask mandates, and attempt to stop the racism of Critical Race Theory.
  • Biggest traitor- Bill O'Reilly, who built an entire career and reputation on "looking out for" "the folks" only to show his true colors by saying "the folks" should submit to tyranny about their vaccine status and be punished if they don't.
  • Most boring- These stupid reaction videos on social media and YouTube where people record themselves watching and reacting to other videos.
  • Most charismatic- CM Punk. His return to pro wrestling earlier this year on the AEW roster was one of the best crowd reactions I have ever seen and a reminder of his sustained popularity even while he has been away from the ring for years.
  • Bummest rap- Kyle Rittenhouse was accused of murder despite video evidence to the contrary. He was called a racist and a white supremacist for killing other white people in self-defense. He should have been given a medal, not almost having his entire life stolen from him.
  • Fairest rap- The Ahmaud Arbery killers. The jury got that one right too.
  • Best comeback- CM Punk again for the same reasons I said above.
  • Most original thinker- Andrew Yang. I wouldn't vote for him, but he's not a leftist, progressive, nut to the same degree that the rest of his former party has become. He's a critical thinker and, in these days when critical thinking is on life support, critical thinkers of all stripes should be celebrated.
  • Most stagnant thinker- Sean Hannity this year and every year.
  • Best photo op- The picture of Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere trying to wear as many masks as they can on their face during Glenn's radio show to demonstrate how stupid all of this is.
  • Enough already- The vaccines. Enough already. We get it. I need to cover myself with an umbrella so the rain doesn't fall on somebody six feet away.
  • Worst lie- The idea that there is such a thing as "your truth" or "my truth" instead of just THE truth. A close second would be the idea of systemic racism and white supremacy still being a major problem.
  • Destined for political stardom- Winsome Sears, the new Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.
  • Destined for political oblivion- Liz Cheney for the reasons I said above.
  • Best/Worst political theater- The manufactured outrage over January 6 and the Capitol.
  • Most underreported story- The ineffectiveness of the COVID (possibly leaky) vaccines, which includes the false perpetuating of the idea that this is now only a pandemic of the unvaccinated. A related one is the willing participation in the deaths of many Americans by the medical community through denying them early/alternative treatments.
  • Most overreported story- I'm happy for Britney Spears that she is getting her freedom back, but there are plenty of other stories that should have gotten the attention she did.
  • Biggest government waste- A majority of elected Republicans who are not conservative and only exist because the Demoncrats are given over to the sinful desires of their hearts.
  • Best government money spent- Anything they spent on me.
  • Boldest political tactic- Treating real Americans, (I'm humming the Hulk Hogan theme now) from people who voted conservative in 2020 to labeling parents at school board meetings, as terrorists.
  • Best idea- I can't say (that's how good it is).
  • Worst idea- If my best idea doesn't happen.
  • Sorry to see you go- Rush Limbaugh. 😢 I think I heard every one of his shows since 2002.
  • The 15 minutes of fame that is almost up- Omicron because there will always be new variants to keep the fearful terrified and make Pfizer money.
  • Best spin- Bill O'Reilly for that vaccine spin I mentioned earlier and because his show used to be called "The No Spin Zome."
  • Most honest- Pastor Craig Groeschel for his continued transparency that invites others to be more open about their own "stuff."
  • Most overrated- In honor of Rush, the "cesspool" known as Twitter.
  • Most underrated- Senator Rand Paul for displaying Fauci for the fool that he is.
  • New Year's resolution- To read the Bible through in a year chronologically.
  • Capitalist of the year- Pfizer for making tons of money on a mandated product.
  • Person of the year- Jesus Christ
  • 2022 prediction- We will continue to see more and more signs that we are headed toward the end of the age. This will be accompanied by continued growth in the lack of interest in the study of the end times (especially in churches) even though this will be the time when that study is needed the most.

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