Saturday, August 21, 2021

$22 million worth of God's goodness

The Nazarene Fund has raised $22 million in two days to rescue thousands of trapped Christians in Afghanistan and relocate them to safety in countries outside the United States since the U.S. is not currently welcoming them. We are only seven months into a four-year term for this President, and he is already one of the worst we have ever had. I literally shudder to think what this place and the world will look like by 2024 if his administration has its way. Of course, that's not to say we shouldn't have gotten out of Afghanistan. That decision was also long overdue, but leave it to Joe Biden--or whoever is thinking for him this week--to make a mess out of what could have been the only good thing his team has done since assuming power in January. But while the Biden Administration and everyone else on Team Great Reset are busy remaking the world in their own warped image, it has fallen on the everyday, not-so-average "Joe" (pun intended) in what is left of the real America to try to clean up the mess. And boy, did real America show off this week.

On Wednesday morning's show, Glenn Beck was joined by Rudy Atlallah, Chief Operating Officer of the Nazarene Fund, who detailed a dangerous mission his team is about to attempt to save the lives of thousands of Christians hiding and trapped in Afghanistan [1]. It was revealed that The Nazarene Fund would need $20 million in two days to accomplish everything their goal of rescuing approximately 5,000 Christians from the closest thing to Hell on Earth at the hands of the Taliban that has recently retaken control of Afghanistan. It seemed like a near-impossible task, even as Glenn pleaded with his audience to "give until it hurts." He and his wife backed up his words by donating $200,000 of their own money to the cause. But the best part of what has happened the last two days was not large, single-donor donations, but the countless smaller contributions that have made up the $22 million currently raised by The Nazarene Fund. From $10-20 to some people donating $1 because it's all they could afford, over the last two days, The Nazarene Fund has already gone over the fundraising goal.

On his show this morning, Glenn spoke directly to his audience again, saying, "I will tell you I have felt like George Bailey all week [2]. Everybody makes fun of Frank Capra. 'Oh, that America doesn't exist.' It does exist because I've just played the role of George Bailey! All I did was say, 'These people are in trouble,' and you went out and gathered money. You didn't even ask questions. You just went and gathered the money. Do you know how unbelievable it is? When people do fundraisers, they usually pad them. 'We got a big check for $50,000. We know that's coming.' We had nothing on Wednesday. Nothing. And you just went out and said, 'The people in Afghanistan are in trouble,' and look at what you've done. To Hell with those people who say Frank Capra and It's A Wonderful Life isn't a realistic look at America. Yes, it is, but it's a mindset. You have to choose to live that. And I want you to know you're going to be so blessed by this. You already are. If you're feeling like I am, you already are. I was at the end of my rope. ... Last Sunday, I said, 'I've really kinda given up hope. I don't see a way out.' ... But I thought more people were just past it. The worst thing that could happen to us, this is what will seal our fate, is if our hearts grow cold. When man's love for man waxes cold, we're done. When we lose our Judeo-Christian value on life and decency, there's nothing that can be saved, and we wouldn't deserve it. We will make Nazi Germany look like rookies if that grows cold in us. And for me to come to you, and you already knew, and say, 'The Afghan people are in trouble, and we gotta try to do something.' And I told you at the time, 'I don't know how this is gonna work.' Yesterday I told you, and I'm telling you this again now, but with much more optimism, there's no way this happens unless God is present. If this happens, it is because God has opened up doors because there are no doors. Yesterday, we were told that the airport is gonna be closed for 48 hours. I didn't even know if that was going to be opened up. I can't give you any of the details right now, but the first flight of Christians just took off. We have other planes going in very soon, and if all goes well, it will be a steady landing and taking off of airplanes. We could have thousands out by this time Monday, but boy, we need prayers. But I so want you to focus on the people because when we're focused on others, our problems don't seem so big. And I want you to focus on [the fact that] you are not helpless. Tell me any problem in our country that is bigger than what's happening in Afghanistan. Tell me that we can't accomplish anything we set our mind to. ... Everyone would tell us, 'It can't be done.' It can be done. And if we serve others, if we keep our eyes and our hearts open to the suffering of others and get out of our suffering, we will solve problems that people will say can't be solved. You will see miracles in your lifetime ... You will witness Moses-style miracles. And I'm telling you if we get [even] 3,000 of these people out, it's a Moses-style miracle. You don't know the briefings that I have had in the last two days. It will be a Moses-style miracle, and it happened because of you. Don't you dare give up hope. You know what's going on. Of all the principles we have, the one that makes [Americans] so noble is that we never leave people behind. ... Your heart is more open than I thought, and your heart is more open than mine. Thank you for giving me my hope in the future back" [3].

Glenn Beck on his radio show this morning

There are a couple of lessons to learn from all of this. God is light, and he shines brightest at the darkest times. But Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven [4]. I'm not saying everyone involved in this truly belongs to Christ. Only God knows that for sure one way or the other. But I am willing to go out on a limb and say that most of what has been accomplished here and what will be accomplished going forward is a direct result of the obedience of Christ-followers as the Holy Spirit prompted. May the whole world see what has been done here. May we believe for those Moses-sized miracles. And may the world as a whole see it and glorify our Father in Heaven in Jesus' name.

Here are all the ways you can donate:

Phone: 972.499.4747
Check: PO Box 140489 Irving, TX 75014

  1. Give to Afghanistan Until It HURTS: '30 Minutes That’ll Change Your Life’ Part 3 on the Glenn Beck website, August 18, 2021.
  2. It's A Wonderful Life by Liberty Films (1947)
  3. The Glenn Beck Program: Miracles happen, thanks to God, and you aired on August 20, 2021
  4. Matthew 5:14-16

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